Use "demean|demeaned|demeaning|demeans" in a sentence

1. Bemean, Bemeaned, bemeaning, bemeans, demean, demeaned, demeaning, demeanor See the full list of words here!

2. Top synonyms for Belittles (other words for Belittles) are diminishes, demeans and demeaning.

3. Such lier will demean you.

4. Such images demean women.

5. 2 Some groups say that pornography demeans women.

6. The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.

7. The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe.

8. 4 The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.

9. I refuse to do demeaning work.

10. You must demean yourself properly.

11. 23 The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.

12. Could you demean yourself by committing treason?

13. And no demeaning, sexist remarks.

14. That advertisement is demeaning to women.

15. Students should not demean the graduation ceremony with inappropriate behavior.

16. I wouldn't demean myself by begging him for a job.

17. This is not demeaning at all.

18. They are onerous and omnipresent, useless and demeaning.

19. Beflum Demean your spouse keep the soda forum

20. One to see one's colleagues demean themselves way.

21. I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity.

22. Don't demean yourself by telling such obvious lies.

23. Don’t demean your worth or denigrate your contribution.

24. Synonyms for Bemeaned include debased, degraded, demeaned, corrupted, abased, vitiated, cheapened, perverted, subverted and depraved

25. Synonyms for Bastardised include corrupted, degraded, debased, adulterated, defiled, perverted, vitiated, abased, cheapened and demeaned

26. Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe?

27. 19 It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.

28. Okay, sir, we don't need to demean each other here.

29. I wouldn't demean myself to ask for favours from them.

30. He would not demean himself to a lazy worker.

31. It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.

32. He felt he would demean himself if he replied to scurrilous letter.

33. I wasn't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife.

34. Even as a schoolboy I found this demeaning and untrue.

35. He found it demeaning to work for his former employee.

36. Synonyms for Behaved include acquitted, acquited, acted, bore, beared, borne, carried, comported, conducted and demeaned

37. I will not demean myself by cheating on the examination.

38. 12 Burro is a demeaning name . Technically , it's called a wild ass.

39. It destroys relationships, they claim, demeans women, abuses children, and engenders a perverted and harmful view of sex.

40. Now stop demeaning me and address me as an adult!

41. Protestors argued that the beauty pageant was demeaning to women.

42. There is nothing demeaning about cleaning in the food industry.

43. He find it demean ask his wife to support the family.

44. To argue that solutions only demean the grandeur of human ignorance?

45. Synonyms for Bastardizes include corrupts, degrades, debases, adulterates, defiles, perverts, vitiates, abases, cheapens and demeans.

46. Synonyms for Bastardizes include corrupts, degrades, debases, adulterates, defiles, perverts, vitiates, abases, cheapens and demeans

47. Antonyms for Aggrandizes include abases, degrades, demeans, humbles, humiliates, abridges, belittles, censures, condemns and condenses

48. Synonyms for Abases include degrades, demeans, debases, humbles, humiliates, lowers, disgraces, reduces, belittles and cheapens

49. What does Berate mean? To Berate is to yell at or demean

50. Synonyms for Chastened include shamed, humbled, humiliated, disgraced, dishonoured, dishonored, embarrassed, demeaned, degraded and mortified

51. Synonyms for Abased include degraded, demeaned, debased, humbled, humiliated, lowered, disgraced, reduced, belittled and cheapened

52. What followed was for Charlotte a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience.

53. Synonyms for Bastardise include corrupt, degrade, debase, adulterate, defile, pervert, vitiate, abase, cheapen and demean

54. He find it demean to ask his wife to support the family.

55. Such works demean religious believers and hold up their convictions to contempt.

56. They think that gearing a campaign towards maximum effective coverage is demeaning.

57. You will demean yourself if you agree to the terms of the contract.

58. They were incredibly sarcastic and mocking, and their general treatment of you was so demeaning.

59. Jesus’ manner of dealing with both children and adults was neither intimidating nor demeaning.

60. Fourth, Cult leaders tend to ignore, confuse, add to, and/or demean the Bible’s teachings

61. Before anybody complains that all this is very sexist and demeaning - I entirely agree.

62. The psychological effects of being told what to eat can also be demeaning.

63. Young claimants who refuse demeaning or underpaid work necessarily fall into this group.

64. The Commission for Racial Equality among others said the black makeup was demeaning to black people.

65. He found it very demeaning to have to work for his former employee.

66. Synonyms for Bemeaning include debasing, degrading, demeaning, corrupting, abasing, vitiating, cheapening, perverting, subverting and depraving

67. In practical fact, much work is repetitive, tedious, painfully fatiguing, mentally boring or socially demeaning.

68. The world may have us believe that such physical work is demeaning and beneath us.

69. They were not only demeaning their own masculine code of honor, but that of others.

70. Synonyms for Abase include degrade, demean, debase, humble, humiliate, lower, disgrace, reduce, belittle and cheapen

71. Moreover, critics say that many of the black-themed shows are demeaning and filled with negative images.

72. Antonyms for Canonize include abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate, condemn, dishonour, dishonor, hate and lower

73. 5 Do the words “helper” and “complement” indicate that the woman’s God-assigned role was demeaning?

74. Synonyms for Abasing include degrading, demeaning, debasing, humbling, humiliating, lowering, disgracing, reducing, belittling and cheapening

75. The first option has its logic: why let a repressive, demeaning system modernise itself slowly?

76. Antonyms for Canonizing include abasing, degrading, demeaning, humbling, humiliating, condemning, dishonouring, dishonoring, hating and lowering

77. Synonyms for Bastardizing include corrupting, degrading, debasing, adulterating, defiling, perverting, vitiating, abasing, cheapening and demeaning

78. Synonyms for Belittling include contemptuous, decrying, degrading, demeaning, denigrative, denigratory, deprecatory, depreciative, depreciatory and derisory

79. Antonyms for Aggrandizing include abasing, degrading, demeaning, humbling, humiliating, abridging, belittling, censuring, condemning and condensing

80. A scientific conception seems demeaning because nothing is eventually left for which autonomous man can take credit.